David Gallimore International Ministries, Inc.
Wednesday, March 12, 2025

-Chinese Cole Slaw

OK, all of you that know me, know that I do not like cole slaw.
I just can't make myself eat that BBQ side dish of the south!
We were invited to lunch today at the home of John & Shirley Faircloth of N. Augusta, SC.
Shirley definitely knows her way around the kitchen!  We had a delicious meal!
I asked Shirley what the salad was and she said "Chinese Cole Slaw!"
I had to have the recipe!  Finally a cole slaw I'll eat!!! 



Chinese Cole Slaw

- 1 Napa cabbage, washed and shredded

- 1 bunch spring onions (4 or 5), cleaned and thinly sliced  (omit if you don't care for onions)

- 2 packs Ramone chinese noodles, crumbled (you will not use the sauce mix)

- 1 stick butter or oleo

- 2 small packs slivered almonds

- 1/2 cup  (small bottle) sesame seeds

- 1 cup sugar, can be powdered

- 1/2 cup vinegar

- 1 cup cooking oil

- 2 teaspoons soy sauce



  1. Melt butter and add noodles and almonds, browning together over moderate heat.  Just before these ingredients are brown, add sesame seeds and continue browning process, stirring constantly.  Remove from heat.

  2. Mix together sugar, vinegar, oil and soy sauce.  Shake well. 

  3. Put all ingredients together in a salad bowl and mix or toss well.